Saturday, June 18, 2022

Harriet Schock film Hollywood Town, Andrae Carter on Radio What "Don't Go Chasing Vanity"


11:41 PM · Jun 17, 2022 #Friday thanks #RadioWhat #JoeViglioneMedia for airing @AndraeCarter Don't Go Chasing Vanity @zionrock

with radio in disarray the intelligent young people I speak with get the Jefferson Airplane and Beatles from their parents   Having worked with Marty Balin (RIP) for decades (since the 1980s) I was shocked that many twenty-somethings never heard of the Airplane or Ten Years After. My parents listened to Perry Como, Tom Jones, Englebert, Sinatra, Jerry Vale, Al Martino, we knew all their music. Of course radio would play "New York, New York" or Liza's "Cabaret" or Tammy Wynette, so if we weren't buying those records, we at least heard them and knew them. I call Top 40 radio the land of Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water meets "Stand By Your Man" by Tammy Wynette, you could hear them back to back. Or Deep Purple by Nino Tempo and April Stevens. Edyie Gorme and Steve Lawrence complained in the 1980s that they weren't getting any traction anymore ("What I Did for Love," Eydie) but they didn't reinvent themselves as Tony Bennett did with his son managing him (son managed a Boston band as well.) Al Martino was Johnny Fontaine in The Godfather. Top 40 didn't play the music of China or Greece or even Mexico, but it did play diverse American music, limited to short playlists, but focused on hit recordings. A world where "Just What I Needed" could spawn about twenty-four million sales for the Cars' albums

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