1:56 am #July24 2023 The Salt Water Summers on #WBCA @WBCARadio @BirdMancini @DaliaDavisMusic @recordmachine @tdawn on Spinitron https://spinitron.com/WBCA/pl/17658687/Local-Mix-Folk-Country-Bluegrass @spinitron #musicsupervisors @LeightonMedia #CountViglione @robfraboni @gregpaquette5 @Carly501 @PeterCalo1 #joeviglionemedia
#JoeViglioneMedia™ Newsletter Rock and Roll Central™The Newsletter is Edited and Published by Joe Viglione e mail demodeal{@}yahoo.com The Demo That Got The Deal™ Radio Show Music reviews, photos, videos, we are THE music site for Boston and New England Rock and Roll. Read Joe Viglione's decades-long and celebrated History of New England Rock and Roll™ from the dedicated rock journalist. Faithfully we have edited the Club Bohemia newsletter to benefit Boston and New England area artists.
Monday, July 24, 2023
Count Viglione The Salt Water Summers on WBCA July 24 2023 / Bird Mancini Looking for a Song ON SPINITRON! Count Viglione Electric Wish Ultimate Rock Radio WMFO 91.5 FM / Steve Keith WBCN 7/21, WMWM 7/22 Enchanted Glasses
Sunday, July 23, 2023
WMWM Saturday July 22 2023 Steve Keith "Enchanted Glasses"
Steve Keith's Enchanted Glasses on #WMWM Salem 7-23-23 @RadioRaccoon @WMWMSalem @tdawn1 @BeyondDawnRadio #privatelightning #AMRecords @Interscope @adshermanvoice Baselines Designs http://www.baselines.com #joeviglionemedia
http://raccoonradio.freehostia.com/WhatsH.../WH23July22a.mp3 Today's What's Happening on WMWM FM 91.7 and online with Aaron & Bob; Local, novelty, Tony Bennett tribute, birthday salutes, novelty songs and more; brief interview with Johnny A
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Thx Ultimate Rock Radio / Frank Rossano playing #ELECTRICWISH this morning WMFO Count Viglione
Thx Ultimate Rock Radio / Frank Rossano playing #ELECTRICWISH this morning #DemothatGottheDealVol1 CD https://spinitron.com/WMFO/pl/17643538/Ultimate-Rock-Radio 8:57 am #WMFO Thursday July 20, 2023 #joeviglionemedia @gpdr0meter @Visualradio2023 @gregpaquette5 @wmfo @DaliaDavisMusic #thewishthatsatisfies #varulven
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023 Rendeva on WBCA Boston @WBCARadio
July 18, 2023 Rendeva on WBCA Boston @WBCARadio https://spinitron.com/WBCA/pl/17637290/Discovering-The-Law @zionrock @DevagadM @RAOFMusicLLC #joeviglionemedia
Monday, July 17, 2023
Joe Viglione / Can't Wait to See You Smile on Radio What / Steve Keith "Way Yout Here" on Good Music Radio / Sunshyne P BTD Radio / Jack Phillips WBCA Let's Drink to Us" / Sean Walshe, Steve Dennis WBCA / Steve Keith / Lucy Morningstar
4:53 AM #July6 2023 Views16 Thanks #RadioWhat for airing a track from #LoveSongsJustForYou #VarulvenRecords a variation on the upcoming cd #REVISIONISTHISTORYRETROSPECTIVE HERE https://youtu.be/55mVRYAofhc @youtubemusic #joeviglionemedia #MusicSupervisors #FilmandMusic #Musicandfilm
Count Viglione headlines June 29, 1978, the Cars headline June 30, July 1 and July 2, 1978 8:30 pm and 11 pm Tickets 5.50 for the Cars, $3.50 to see me, but I got to be the independent contractor for the club after we did so well, and booked the room for about 18 years. I believe that I hold the world's record for performances there at 49 Here's a side note, the room was the famous Boston Club (Ian Lloyd and Stories, lots of major acts) and my friend Richard Nolan and Third Rail shut it down (a possible riot happened end of closing.) When Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum burned down the wax figures went to the old Boston Club. It reopened as Dummies and Richard Nolan became the booking agent. I closed down Dummies. It reopened as Boston's Best Concert Club and when my shows did so well, June 29, 1978, Dec 2, 1978, the agency asked me to put shows in. I put hundreds of shows into the venue. So the torch was passed from Nolan to me and Boston Rock and Roll History will never be the same!
Horse Latitudes 9:31 pm Steve Keith July 13 2023 Horse Latitudes 9:31 pm Steve Keith July 13 2023 https://spinitron.com/WBCA/pl/17617021/New-Local-Boston-Block @WBCARadio @BNN_Television #joeviglionemedia #Privatelightning
8:40 AM · Jul 7, 2023 Views 30 Thanks #CatorWebRadio @RAOFMusicLLC @zionrock #joeViglione
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Cator Web Radio Sean Walshe "Highway 99" / Steve Keith Good Music Radio / Joe Viglione "Transporter" on Radio What! / Jourdan Good Music Radio
Highway 99 from @seanwalshemusic 12:45 AM Jul 15, 2023 Views 19 Thanks #CatorWebRadio #Joeviglionemedia @Howiewoodpromo @PowderfingerPR this great song keeps chugging along on a variety of #radio #stations the opening grabs you https://youtu.be/S3vVuMRn0uo @youtubemusic @RobFraboni
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Greg Walsh / WMWM Salem "Meet Your Maker" 7-15-23 /James Montgomery on Activate Media July 14, 2023 8 pm /
Greg Walsh on WMWM Salem with @RadioRaccoon @WMWMSalem "Meet Your Maker" https://www.therecordmachineshow.com/single-post/greg-walsh-~-singer-drummer-special-guest-on-5-30-2023 aired at 1:52 pm #Saturday #July15 2023 #joeviglionemedia @Visualradio2023
Friday, July 14, 2023
8 pm Non Visual Radio ActivateMedia.org Fri night July 14 2023 Montgomery Band on July 16th at The Natick Elks 95 Speen Street Natick
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Happy Birthday Jo Jo Laine July 13, 1952 Tokyo Tramps on WMCO
Happy Birthday Jo Jo Laine July 13, 1952
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
World Music July 8 SUNSHYNEP 'BLESSINGS" / Cator Web Radio ADDS SunshyneP July 10 2023/ Jourdan on Record Machine Show
July 8 2023 "Blessings" @booksunshynep @SoulHeritage1 @RAOFMusicLLC @zionrock Sunshyne P on @WBCARadio spinitron https://spinitron.com/WBCA/pl/17595518/Local-Mix-World-Music @spinitron #joeviglionemedia
Stephen Dees (lead vocals/bass) Novo Combo talks to Joe Viglione on Visual Radio 45 West 55th discs Guitarist Jim Babjak SMITHREREENS talks to Joe Vigtione again on Visual Radio Video link https://youtu.be/4LLMKj0OTFo
Stephen Dees (lead vocals/bass) Novo Combo talks to Joe Viglione on Visual Radio 45 West 55th discs Video link https://youtu.be/o9Rxtxb5E4...

Essentially the 1983 Intuition Element LIVE at the Rat along with songs from the 1982 band's Cat in the Dark Full Concert https://you...
Did you see Mickey Bliss, Johnny and the Foodmasters, Life Partners, LSD? Write a review! Kids Like You & Me (KLYAM...