Thursday, February 10, 2022

Why the Name Change from Club Bohemia to Rock and Roll Central



DECADES OF WORK to benefit New England area musicians went into the 29 year old Club Bohemia. The revue is owned by Mickey Bliss (Attorney G. is for George Stephen Anzuoni) and the content of the pages owned by Joe Viglione. On or about January 7, 2022 a bar maid used deceptive business practices, aided and abetted by a General Manager, to attempt to hijack and own both my content and Mickey's nightclub. They failed. Mickey Bliss, who has performed a lot of legal work for me over the past decade and a half, hired another attorney to send the owner of a nightclub a cease and desist. Let me be very clear, Mickey's regrettable information in a local newspaper is patently false as evidenced by the check Mickey/Attorney Anzuoni wrote to send a cease and desist to the venue that attempted to hijack his revue. A very sad consequence of Mickey's decision not to rock the boat is that the superior promotion the bands received, resulting in a sold-out show on December 16, 2021, has now evaporated. The immature and destructive woman hacked down a site that it took me years to build. It appears attendance is off, the club hushed up a COVID outbreak, and money appears to have been spent as if distributed by the proverbial "drunken sailor." How the insanity benefits artists who want to perform in a safe environment is anyone's guess. You have seen my response: more extraordinary CONTENT to help everyone ...the Going Track by Track™ series, Joe Vig's First Impressions™ column, Hotline to the Underground™ and Visual Radio™ videos and transcripts benefit you, the music community of New England. Rock and Roll Central™ serves the Club Bohemia community. Let's face it, both Mickey and I have forgotten more about a certain Cambridge nightclub than the current Keystone Cops will ever learn. They stormed in with ego and not much else, and they were totally dishonest when they demanded the passwords to the Facebook pages. They promised not to destroy my pages yet that was exactly what the crazed barmaid had in mind. Sheer jealousy and incompetence on her part, which will be dealt with in a legal forum, and soon. The community deserved to hear the truth, especially after Mickey's hurtful, wrongful conduct in the media. All I will say is this, when members of Mickey's family needed help, they called on one person they could trust to take care of the elders. I did so with loving care, and it was a great honor, and I'm deeply saddened that those people have passed on. Despite the betrayal it is clear that I would help them again, in a moment's notice, were they still alive. I treated Mickey's dad and his father-in-law as if they were my own family, and would do so again. They were terrific people that I miss. That's the story, people. That's why certain outsiders who have invaded our community wanted to scrub Club Bohemia off of the map, for some allegedly demented barmaid. Give them your social security number and give them your vaccination card, or else you could get yelled at. That is a fact. No "allegedly" necessary. They stormed in and were determined to erase Club Bohemia from the map. I fought very hard, and will continue to fight, to preserve the photos and great reviews, which I've been doing for half a century plus now since I started professionally recording in 1971. My only regret is that we couldn't stop them from wrecking two of the pages, but four of them have survived, the four most important ones. I hope the Millionaire and his wife come to their senses, get off of Gilligan's Island, and start being the "good neighbors" they feign that they are in the Cambridge Community. I, and the club shutting down at Christmas time, are the evidence that they have failed to be as neighborly as they want you to think they are.

Rock n Roll Central™ - Newsletter - the Premiere Music Site for New England Musicians
#JoeViglioneMedia™ Newsletter Rock and Roll Central™The Newsletter is Edited and Published by Joe Viglione e mail demodeal{@} The Demo That Got The Deal™ Radio Show Music reviews, photos, videos, we are THE music site for Boston and New England Rock and Roll. Read Joe Viglione's decades-long and celebrated History of New England Rock and Roll™ from the dedicated rock journalist. Faithfully we have edited the Club Bohemia newsletter to benefit Boston and New England area artists.

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