Friday, February 18, 2022

Toxic (usually drug addicted) personalities....especially night club personnel

 You need to be allergic to toxic personalities who have or have had drug problems.

They won't help you in life, be it your business life or personal life (or both.)

Joe V's Philosophy for February 18 2022

switching the channel:

At 18 years old hearing Lou Reed's work with Bowie, and re-listening a half a century later, the project remains masterful ... yer going to reap just what you sow. Galatians 6:7 "You reap what you sow" is a well-known idiom, but this principle is also Biblical. God said to Moses, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."Deuteronomy 30:19. Life is full of choices. My friend Jo Jo would often bring up "the psychic vampires." People who make a deliberate effort to ingratiate themselves to you, and then in subtle ways put you down and make you feel badly. Extricating yourself from these sad people isn't easy. You try to nicely walk away and they lash out at you, revealing their true selves, their only power is to continue to try to guilt trip you over your decision to back away from individuals who a)are not looking out for your best interests, b)interfering in your ability to have a good life. To be blunt, Joan Jett says it in "fake friends." 
The important question for each person is "What about me?" 
You have a right to break it off with people who add toxicity to your life under the guise of being your "best friend," yet throwing you down every chance they get. 
They cannot comprehend how hurtful their barbs are, all the while being needy, obstinate and hurtful. 
There is no "perfect day" with psychic vampires attempting to drain your life essence. Sometimes the only way is "cold turkey" and just walking out the door. 

When they throw rocks and blame you and call you "abusive" for keeping yourself sane, you know you did the right thing. 
Friends, real friends, honestly welcome you in and keep the emotions and tangible things in life 50/50. 
The psychic vampires know how to take, giving is foreign to them. 
They attempt to get in your brain and emotionally stalk you.   Switch the channel by removing them from your sphere of existence and focus on something that makes you smile.   Seriously.
IN their delusions they create a fantasy of being part of your life while simultaneously working on making you miserable. You have the right to evaluate if someone adds to your life or subtracts from it. 
Most have a drug or alcohol problem or severe OCD and taking Lou Reed's advice, at least for me personally, it's being around people who bring a smile to my face. 
You have that right. 
Just be absolutely sure that it is YOU who are sowing what you want to reap, and not letting strong ultra-negative personalities make the choice for you. 
To be continued. 


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