Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Guilloteenagers review; / Dave Godbey's Ragin' Contagin' March 16 2022 on Smile Radio / Garr Lange Dalia Davis Count Viglione


The Guilloteenagers 

Cheese Balls to the Wall Cd 

Review by Joe Viglione 

The Guilloteenagers (Gheee-OH-teenagers) CD Cheese Balls to the Wall had Club Bohemia resplendent in…cheeseballs, of course, for the record release party for this excellent and consistent disc. “The Guilloteenagers Are Back” blasts open the disc with early Alice Cooper meeting iconic Boston punk band Unnatural Axe and it doesn’t let up. “50 Seconds” takes the Black Sabbath “Paranoid” riff and brings it to the Ramones, smack dab in their face. The onslaught continues with a chant over power chords on the two minute, seventeen second suspended anthem “Let’s Get Greasy,” a middle finger response to Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy,” Hannah Montana’s “Let’s Get Crazy” and Slade’s “Mama, We’re All Crazee Now.” Beer is a main theme here, and why not when cheese balls are bouncing all over the placeBefore Greg Walsh formed the band Pop Gun his song “Packie Run” was a staple on Boston Radio. “Part Deux,” track 4 from the Guilloteenagers at 2:04 is the logical continuance of bad-boy behavior. . And when you hear the energetic “Even Though I drink a lot” it sounds like the Real Kids on methamphetamine. All the songs on this eight song disc are under two and a half minutes save the last two, “Ride On King Jesus, Ride On” and “Michelob” (but, of course!) which clock in at 4:01 and 3:33 respectively. Guilloteenagers hit you over the head with their aural aural assault, Buck-oh-Nine continues the blitzkrieg, drums wailing away happily, the bass plowing under the guitar stream. It brightens up a bit with “Books Endorsed by Kirk Cameron” – a bouncy, happy chainsaw riff with vocals that sneer unintelligible philosophy. It doesn’t matter, it’s all in good fun. “Ride on King Jesus, Ride On” slows things down a bit, the Lady Mondegreen (misheard lyric) here sounds like “Bright on…so long…” while the closer, “Michelob” is the “Ballad of Dwight Frye” gone frontal-lobe beer commercial. Blatant, indulgent, and proving that a mind can be a wonderful thing to get wasted on. GOOGLE IT CDBABY/THE GUILLO TEENAGERS THE JOE VIG TOP 40 on Every Wednesday 1-3 pm 1)The Bookhouse Boys For You 2) American Beauties Miles From Nowhere 3)Dead Boots. I Belueve in Love 4)Foliage GARDENS 2 5)Mokita Roommates 6)Girl On Top Dream On (Aerosmith cover) 7)Positive Negative Man Kings 8)Ditto with Gary Santarella Puna Cana 9)Elsewhere Multi Man b/w We’ve Got a Movement 10)Jeff and Jane Hudson Elephants Tune in to the Pop Explosion. Stains of a Sunflower the in-studio guest for August 10, 2016 Music Business Monthly TM P.O. Box 2392, Woburn, MA 01888 Edited by Janis Reed

Ragin' Contagin' SMILE RADIO  March 16

Thanks #SmileRadio for playing @DaveRagin Hear Now @JoeViglione @MickeyHitman @RadioRaccoon @TheSpinRoom00 #JoeViglioneMedia


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