Thursday, March 10, 2022

Gary Pig Gold Presents LET IT BE Garr Lang on Lonely Oak Radio


Speaking Words of Wisdom

Ever since excitedly cycling a mile or three to the nearest record store the very day “Hey Jude” was released, I had been loyally buying up each and every new Apple 45 my weekly childhood allowance allowed. But checking the ol’ singles clock, as pictured above, reminds me that Early 1970, as Ringo would warble a year or so later, brought an especially juicy bounty of sounds –“
Instant Karma” and “Come And Get It” in particular – to my beloved little Symphonic™ Stereo Compatible Solid State turntable.  

But that March the 6th, a truly singular treat: a New Beatles Record!

Spinning its subtle yet somehow stately piano intro, then most muted P. McCharmly vocal, “Let It Be” surely slow-built over three-minutes-fifty, as only a George Martin production can, into precisely the kind of “potboiler” even John Lennon could praise …even if he later most mistakenly claimed his once-partner was trying, and I quote (the 1980 Playboy interview) to write a “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” [sic]. Only one water there, John …and that other Paul’s Simon & Garfunkel potboiler came a year after “Let It Be” was recorded, by the way.

Fair mistake though. Yet there can be no mistaking whatsoever the beauty, the splendor, and ultimate wonder which was, and is, the Let It B-side “You Know My Name (Look Up The Number).” Possibly the best backside anyone, Beatles included, ever came up with, that number remains one of my most-played, most-admired-even Fab Four creations I kid you not. In fact, to fully appreciate its majestically Goon Show-caliber genius, just try reprogramming your audio device of choice so it replaces “A Day In The Life” next time you load in Sgt. Pepper. I dare you.

Indeed, I’d like to think Paul McC. was NOT kidding when he told Mark Lewisohn (in his
Beatles Recording Sessions book introductory interview) that “You Know My Name” was, quoting again, “probably my favourite Beatles track!” Well, for once I think we can all agree in speaking such words of wisdom …and the perfect close, alongside its topside of course, both made in finally capping the Beatles’ beyond remarkable, still quite unbelievable run in the 7-inch

9:46 PM 3/10/22 #Thursday @GarrLange #JoeViglioneMedia #DemoThatGotTheDealVol5 @spotifypodcasts @SoundCloud @bmi @TheSpinRoom00 @WMWMSalem @@BeyondDawnRadio @recordmachine @jefflawrenceradio Read #BTD interview: @GaryPigGold @musicconnection @Goldmine_mag 

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