Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Cronin vs Town of Amesbury in Appeal for Photographs of Rogue City Councilor

 As many of you know I publish a newsletter, now over 2 million hits, investigating some of the rogue entities in the city of Medford.

I just used a court case, Cronin vs Town of Amesbury (Cronin lost) in an appeal to get photographs of crazed city councilor Adam Knight smashing a bank door on April Fool's Day last year.

You simply can't make this stuff up!

Here's the Cronin case: Moreover, as pointed out earlier, the right 

to privacy of a public employee is a limited one, 
and the contours of that right were not clearly
established in 1992 or today.
In the circumstances of this case, the court concludes 
that the town and the individual members of 
the Board of Selectmen did not abrogate 
plaintiff's clearly established 
privacy rights by public disclosure.

A dirty, filthy letter written by Chief Cronin was hijacked out of his desk drawer.   I posted it on my Medford blog but xxx'd out the vulgarities...it was rife with them!

In Mr. Knight's case, the police gave us the April Fool's Day police report, but then backtracked and refused to give us the photographs!  Someone must've got to them (allegedly!) because I think the police like Knight as much as I do, which is, they don't!

So I HAD PERMISSION for the photographs and the police appealed. Which harmed the Election of 2021 because Knight was out there saying "it's not a story."

A city councilor smashing a Bank of America door and allegedly (according to the police report) "taking off at a high rate of speed"  (IN A BANK PARKING LOT?) ...and Adam says "it's not a story!"   Have another drink, Adam!

Why are the photos important?  Two alleged witnesses says that Knight's two kids were in the car!  Horrifying, if true. 

Secretary of State's office considering my appeal.  Lt. Casey got the notice.  Nice guy....and this reporter's sixth sense says that Casey probably wants to GIVE the photos to me as much as the public wants them.  Someone tied the lieutenant's hands, methinks.

We received TWO photos in the mail of Knight AT the ATM from an informant, and another informant thinks it is a former school committee person who is security at the bank, and who reads my Facebook page.  HA!   Adam has many enemies out there.

Should we publish Chief Cronin's vulgar letter here?  Me thinks not, but put the paragraph from the legal document in Google and you'll find it.

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