The Outer Limits 1963, I was nine years old at the time, didn't remember, Captain Kirk William Shatner with the doctor, Malachi Throne, from the Menagerie (Star Trek)....S2 E 2 Cold Hands and Warm Heart, James Cameron should spend his time getting Perry Mason episodes and Outer Limits and creating new Star Trek Episodes with the actors scattered across the Star Trek universe on other shows (Susan Oliver, Green Girl, who showed up in Twilight Zone)....also put live action to the Star Trek cartoons with original voices and CGI Following a mission to Venus, an astronaut finds himself constantly cold and has strange dreams about encountering an alien outside his spacecraft. Like the monkey on the plane wing in Twilight Zone
Notice Star Trek THOLIAN WEB (above photo)
Episode aired Nov 15, 1968 and the similarity (spacesuit for
Kirk/Shatner) in The Outer Limits Cold Hands, Warm Heart Episode aired
Sep 26, 1964
Jackson could colorize and make a Part II of Tholian Web or a movie
merging the two episodes and adding creative new footage. I surmise
come 20 years from now you will see exotic Star Trek episodes
resurrecting outtakes and these other tv shows with the same stars,
Perry Mason, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone to make new Trek episodes,
especially the cartoons using footage from everywhere (think Peter
Cushing resurrected in the new Star Wars)