Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Aug 31 2021 Greg Paquette, Slapback on Mark Skin Radio with Marian Ferrow; Joe V on Radio WigWam Can't Wait to See You Smile

 1:14 PM #TuesdayFeeling Aug 31, 2021 #ProudSoulHeritage performed by @KitotoLove thanks www.revivalradiostation.com and #SteveGarnett Produced by #JoeViglioneMedia written by Bobby Hebb @SoulHeritage1 @rranimaltour Photo by #JoeViglione Sunset @Spotify @YouTube @bmi 


12:31 PM #tuesdaymotivations 8/31/21 #RadioWigwam from upcoming album #RevisionistHistoryRetrospective edited version of #Transporter by #CountViglione entitled "Can't Wait to See You Smile" #YouTube @ascapexperience @bmi @ASCAP @spotifypodcasts @Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SFC23u8qbNm6KajVHL3ot  
6:27 AM #tuesdaymotivations Aug 31, 2021 @Slapbackband www.slapbackband.com @Spotify @YouTube   

Monday, August 30, 2021

Highway of Dreams Pamela Ruby Russell AMG Review; "Walk Thru Fire" on the Spin Room 11:10 pm Aug 30 2021


8/30/31 #mondaythoughts 11:10 pm on The Spin Room @lspinna Walk Thru Fire by #PamelaRubyRussell @WhiteLightArts @EricLinter @PRRussellPhotos Read review on #ClubBohemia https://clubbohemianews.blogspot.com/2021/08/highway-of-dreams-pamela-ruby-russell.html Happy Birthday Pamela Ruby Russell #August

AllMusic Review by Joe Viglione [-]

"Tengo Razon," a beautiful essay, is sung in Spanish, embellished by Evan Harlan's accordion, which is on four of the ten tracks that embody Highway of Dreams by Bostonian Pamela Ruby Russell. An album that boasts Carly Simon guitarist and arranger Peter Calo playing numerous instruments and co-producing, 'Til Tuesday guitarist Robert Holmes, and others finds incredible unity and a truly original sound. "Avenue of Tears" combines these talents for a rather complex presence behind Russell's dominant voice. The pan flutes and charango of Roberto Cachimuel play along the dirge-like guitar. Imagine Black Sabbath getting subdued and backing Marianne Faithfull. Comparisons will also be made to Loreena McKennitt, with lots of haunting keyboards, voices, and flutes finding their way into these folk-rock arrangements. Calo is a formidable talent, and he brings so much out of Russell -- the party atmosphere of "Is There Any Love" takes the sounds Lulu and Twiggy were crafting in '60s pop, redefines them, and re-establishes them. Co-producer Bob Patton's baritone saxophone comes out of nowhere on "Is There Any Love," replaced by Ana Pacanoska's violin, more flutes, and more accordion. This music is dense and thought-provoking, but it doesn't take away from the performance. "Sounds of the Sea" features kena, soaring solos, and Miguel Jimenez on the pan flutes. Russell is a character, and her very serious music has a charm that many musicians fail to express in the recording process. "Boxcar" is a great opening, specifically the drone of "Walk Thru Fire" where "we glimpse through fire and the future." It feels like gypsies spying on a black mass listening to this tune -- incredibly moody and perceptive. There is little of the shrill homogenized Top 40 production that stops so many good records from becoming great. Ernesto Diaz plays strong gothic percussion on "Walk Thru Fire," setting up the listener for the tour de force performance: the title number. The singer walks across a roadway that reaches over water and into the stars with a full moon above her and a red rose piercing the blue. The cover is an exquisite reflection of this great song, with heavy contributions from Holmes. It's rare to find a statement like Highway of Dreams; music this good shouldn't get lost in the shuffle of life. https://www.allmusic.com/album/highway-of-dreams-mw0000759221 Box Car Pamela Ruby Russell on THE SPIN ROOM @WhiteLightArts @PRRussellPhotos @lspinna @EricLinter August 30 2021 #mondaythoughts 11:15 pm @Spotify

happy birthday Pamela Ruby Russell August 31, 2021

12:11 PM #ThursdayThoughts Aug 26, 2021 Can't Wait to See You Smile on Love Songs Just for You and this edit on its own album. Thanks #RadioWigwam @rranimaltour hear the song here: https://youtu.be/d4xaojQ6hlk @KBRITZofficial @WhiteLightArts @lspinna @gregpaquette5 @hhandthenet #Pop

Kathi McDonald was one of the friends recruited by Big Brother & the Holding Company to perform on their two post-Joplin releases, Be a Brother and How Hard It Is. David Briggs, producer of the second Alice Cooper album Easy Action and multiple early Neil Young discs is at the helm on Insane Asylum. With arrangements by The Jefferson Starship’s Pete Sears, this is a showcase for the chops and musicianship of McDonald. There’s a terrific reading of the Bee Gees’ “To Love Somebody” (which Janis Joplin covered years earlier), and an interesting first track co-written by McDonald and Pete Sears, “Bogart to Bowie,” with Nils Lofgren on guitar and Bobbye Hall on percussion. The photos of McDonald on the back cover are chaotic and beautiful, a cartoon caricature of these adorns the cover, the illustration by Seiko Kashihara. With Ronnie Montrose on guitar and Pete Sears on keys for a heavy version of “(Love Is Like A) Heatwave,” you basically have Big Brother & the Holding Company/ Montrose/Jefferson Starship covering Martha & the Vandellas. This 1974 recording was a year before Linda Ronstadt repeated Martha’s feat of going Top Five with the song. There is something about the record that feels like the band is holding back. That evaporates with what may be the best performance on the disc, “Threw Away My Love,” the second Sears/McDonald original. Kathi’s great, bluesy vocal fights and Journey’s Neil Schon on guitar give the track lots of soul, which is missing in much of the record. Surprising because Briggs is usually intuitive enough to bring out the best in artists. There is an abundance of talent here, creating a nice platform for this important singer. “Freak Lover” features the late Starship violinist Papa John Creach and is appropriately manic for an album about insanity. Willie Dixon’s composition, “Insane Asylum,” with Pete Sears and Nils Lofgren, is a blues workout deluxe. Neil Schon and Pete Sears accompany Kathi on a Peter Frampton tune, “All I Want to Be.” Lofgren and Sears do a heavy cover of Neil Young’s “Down to the Wire” for the singer to display her wonderful voice. With such a stellar cast and so much input this record could have been much more. It’s still a respectable showcase for the talents of Kathi McDonald…..by Joe Viglione….~

Tom Mich on the Spin Room with #IWannaCry from his CD Thanks @lspinna @LouReed @FrankZappia1 @chicagotheband @TomMichJR1 from #DemothatgotthedealVol5 on @rranimaltour Varulven Records #MondayNight #August30 2021 around 9 pm or so


GOING TRACK BY TRACK with John Geary of Temple of Karma Interview organized by Joe Viglione

  GOING TRACK BY TRACK with John Geary of Temple of Karma

Interview organized by Joe Viglione

JV: We're talking to John Geary of Temple of Karma The self-titled Temple of Karma's date on Reverb Nation says June 27, 2020.  John, when did you launch Temple of Karma?

JG: ​During the first months of the 2020 pandemic. I had plenty of free time while collecting unemployment and I had just acquired a Tascam digital 8 track recording device. A neighbor in my apartment building moved out and left me his Casio CTK-720 keyboard. So, with all of my gear (guitar, bass, amps, several hand drums) I started recording all of the 

tunes I had written during my time in (the Boston band)  ​Mad Painter.

JV: Let’s go deeper with the background info.   The Temple of Karma is from Arlington, Mass.

What about you, John?

JG: I am a 1985 graduate of Musicians' Institute in Hollywood, CA. I am the former bass player for Boston band Mad Painter. The instruments I play on this album: Electric Guitar, Bass, Keys, Congas, Dumbeck,
Maracas, Tambourine and Wood Flute

JV: How did the two albums come about?

JG​ The debut consisted of material that I had composed when I played bass in ​Mad Painter​ from 2015 to 2018. ​Lady Kryptonite ​and ​​Mohawk Sunset ​(the 2nd  originally titled ​Mojave War Path​) were performed live at McGann's Irish Pub and Hennessey's.

JV: Tell us how you wrote the first track  Warrior Maiden 03:33
JG:    ​That piece has a Native American theme just like ​Mohawk Sunset​. It started with a ​Deep Purple/Smoke On The Water ​type opening with tom-tom drums (from the keyboard) then into a straight 4/4 easy Rock rhythm.

JV Track 2 Warriors and Wizards, is there a theme?  And a reference to a Jimi Hendrix concert/movie/album?   The Wizard Of Rainbow Ridge 03:08

  JG: ​Although Ridge ​sounds like Bridge, ​it is in no way connected to the Hendrix film ​Rainbow Bridge. ​That tune  was inspired by the Saturday morning cartoons back in the early 70s.

JVTrack 3: Johnny's Wit ---- Johnny who?  Johnny Thunders?  Johnny Mathis?  Johnny Cash?

JG:​ Johnny Rotten. He is still a big inspiration to me, even today. I met him at a PiL concert at ​The Channel​(remember that place?)  in Boston back in 1982. It was the greatest concert of my youth and I managed to get in under age.

JV  Track 4   Neon Corner  --- Your thoughts on this?

JG:​ Strange how some tunes turn out. I had an idea for a very ​Andy Summers/Police ​style of playing and it  just turned into a fun melody without any riffs. Listening to it again I can just hear a bit of ​Andy Summers​.

JV: 5.Cyberman 03:51

JG: Cyberman is like a ​SUPERHERO​ Theme song. I actually composed that for my son, ​Jovan​, who has almost completed his studies in Cyber Security at University Of Arizona.


JV:  Are all these compositions from the same period, or from different times in your career?  

JG:​ All of the tunes on ​Solemn Ritual ​were composed after I returned to work following a three-month furlough. ​I have to admit that the sophomore album was more rushed than the first. That is why many of the tunes are 2 1/2 to 3 minutes long.

JV Track 6.  For Grey Skies and Airports 03:40​

JG: My apologies for the, slightly, out of tune melody. This tune is a tribute to all of my travels overseas in  the 80s and 90s. UK, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria. You know that feeling you get when you are about to sojourn into another culture. The anticipation. The excitement. The airports are always the threshold to that experience.

JV:  Track 7. Sofie's Gaze clocking in at two and a quarter:  02:25

JG: This piece is heavily influenced by ​Soft Machine's THIRD ​album. Particularly the track ​"Slightly, All The Time."​ ​Composed for a woman from Spain. Her real name is Noemie and she and her husband sail around Mallorca and just enjoy life. I just love the way she stares at the Mediterranean sunset. Don't we all just want to live like that?

JV: 8. Castles Made Of Sand by Jimi Hendrix 02:52

​JG:  This cover is my favorite, overlooked, Hendrix tune from the ​Axis: Bold As Love ​album.
​I decided to make the bass the lead instrument on the recurring melody instead of the guitar.

The riffs were actually intended to be more of a melodic theme but they just ended up being riffs.
JV: 9.  Whenever I See Shadows 02:56

​JG: This piece was heavily influenced by the late ​Allan Holdsworth​. I composed this tune with

a 7/4 or 7/8 rhythm but it was difficult trying to fit the melody in with that odd time signature.

So, I ended up erasing the drum track. 


Thanks for your thoughts on the music, John.  I know it can be personal giving us the inside scoop, but our readers like that.

Monday Aug 30 2021 Dave Godbey 8/23 Everybody Has a Story

 12:51 am #August 23, 2021 #mondaythoughts @etunesmusic1 @TheAltRootMag @TheStoryMuseum @thestoryexpress @RSDUK @Records_And_CDs @BEATS_GO_BANG @DaveRagin @gregpaquette5 #Musicsupervisor #Story #Everybody #Everybodyisastar @TheSlyStallone #airplay #Publishers @sonymusic @ASCAP

Noon 12:00 PM #Monday Aug 30, 2021 @Slapbackband #MusicSupervisor #Thanks #LonelyOakRadio and Nina #slapback All Hands on Deck BLM #TheDemoThatGotTheDealVol5 @rranimaltour 

9:45 AM #mondaythoughts #August 30, 2021 Thanks #RadioWigwam #JoeViglioneMedia "Can't Wait to See You Smile" from Count Viglione's album #LoveSongsJustForYou #DemoThatGotTheDealvol5 and #BostonRockandRollAnthologyChapter21 @rranimaltour @DaveRagin   

9:10 AM #Monday Aug 30, 2021 @Slapbackband @ReverbNation www.slapbackband.com  

Thank you @tdawn1 @MarkRockower @BeyondDawnRadio @dbhughes89  

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Aug 29 2021 Count Viglione Can't Wait to See You Smile / Andrae Carter "In This World" / Slapback "All Hands on Deck"

 3:58 PM #sundayvibes Aug 29, 2021 #JoeViglioneMedia from album Love Songs Just for You #CantWaitToSeeYouSmile Mastered by @robfraboni @rranimaltour Thanks #RadioWiGWam Reissue on Varulven Records and @Spotify here https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SFC23u8qbNm6KajVHL3ot @spotifypodcasts www.joeviglione.com  

8:31 AM #August 29, 2021 #sundayvibes @Slapbackband #AllHandsOnDeckBLM on #LonelyOakRadio thanks Nina hear on #ReverbNation @ReverbNation https://www.reverbnation.com/slapbackband www.slapbackband.com @AppleMusic 
11:44 AM #August 29, 2021 #sundayvibes @Slapbackband #AllHandsOnDeckBLM on #LonelyOakRadio thanks Nina hear on #ReverbNation @ReverbNation https://www.reverbnation.com/slapbackband www.slapbackband.com @AppleMusic  
11:12 PM #sundayvibes Aug 29, 2021 @AndraeCarter Thanks www.revivalradiostation.com and #SteveGarnett @spotifypodcasts @zionrock  
11:44 PM #Sunday Aug 29, 2021 Thanks #LonelyOakRadio for airing #AllHandsOnDeck from #Slapback @Slapbackband @ReverbNation Hear the song here: https://www.reverbnation.com/slapbackband and check out www.slapbackband.com the band's website. 

2:13 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Thanks #RadioWigwam this album is very special to me #sundayvibes The #edit of #Transporter called "Can't Wait to See You Smile" is what is on radio currently @Spotify @YouTube
https://youtu.be/d4xaojQ6hlk #MusicSupervisor #FilmMusic #FilminMusic #MusicinFilm  

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sat August 28 2021 Heidi Hines and the New Electric Tomorrow "As It Is"

 2:15 PM #SaturdayThoughts Aug 28, 2021 @hhandthenet @heidijohines Video here https://youtu.be/v60ddB_saIM directed by @JaylieJoWayling on #BostonRockandRollAnthologyVol21 Heidi Hines and the New Electric Tomorrow @KitotoLove @rranimaltour @WhiteLightArts 

2:15 PM #August28th 28 2021 #SaturdayThoughts Thank you #TiorrChannel3 @hhandthenet @heidijohines Video here https://youtu.be/v60ddB_saIM directed by @JaylieJoWayling o#BostonRockandRollAnthologyVol21 Heidi Hines and the New Electric Tomorrow @KitotoLove @rranimaltour @WhiteLightArts

Friday, August 27, 2021

Fri Aug 27 2021 Greg Paquette Into the Sunset Good Music Radio, Count Viglione Radio WigWam, New Elec Tomorrow classic ONly Rock Radio

 9:59 AM · Feb 4 2021 Thanks #GoodMusicRadio for playing the wonderful #IntotheSunset from the #SingleStone CD by @gregpaquette5 @DaveRagin on Spotify @Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/1NrVDnR53RuZ3ass0TsIkA @spotifypodcasts @jedmottley @ascapexperience @bmi @sesac @harryfoxagency #Demothatgotthedealvol5  

12:48 PM · Aug 27, 2021 #Friday @Slapbackband Hear All Hands On Deck BLM on @ReverbNation here https://www.reverbnation.com/slapbackband www.slapbackband.com   

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thurs August 26 2021 Kenny Selcer on WXRV The River 10 pm tonight Audioscam on Lonely Oak Radio /


Claude von Roesgen and me. And it's a fun visual story of the pressures we have all been facing and the desires to just get out of here!

Please take a peek here: https://youtu.be/W0m61FwgRKg

9:32 am #thursdayvibes #August 26, 2021 @NME @bbcintroducing @BBC6Music @spotifypodcasts Audioscam on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/5qCSillLMixVB8S1kMeENI @BAudioscam  
Author #KitotoSunshineLove is also a #singer. #ProudSoulHeritage with birthday boy (Aug 25) #SteveHolley on drums #producedbyJoeViglione on #BostonRockandRollAnthology21 Aired 6:24 PM 8/26/21 #thursdayvibes Thanks www.revivalradiostation.com @SoulHeritage1 @KitotoLove #Northernsoul  
7:10 am #August 26, 2021 #ThursdayThoughts #JoeViglioneMedia from Love Songs Just for You #CantWaitToSeeYouSmile Mastered by @robfraboni @rranimaltour Thanks #RadioWiGWam Reissue on Varulven Records and @Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SFC23u8qbNm6KajVHL3ot @spotifypodcasts www.joeviglione.com  

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Love Songs Just For You was one of two albums recorded in 1985 by Count Joe Viglione.

 Love Songs Just For You was one of two albums recorded in 1985 by Count Joe Viglione.  

On eBay and Spotify



It was released on Varulven Cassettes VAR CS 007 Released in 1997, this collector's item edition was originally mastered in the 2000s by Rob Fraboni and re-mastered in 2021.  

Featuring the tracks 

1)Transporter (Can't Wait to See You Smile," ) originally released around 1992 on Boston Rock and Roll Anthology Vol 16,

2)Caught In the Dark (originally released on Boston Rock and Roll Anthology #20) 

 3)Saw You Yesterday


5)Boy of My Dreams 

6)Saw You Yesterday, 

7)Love Song for Jeffrey (written by Peter Allen / Helen Reddy ), 

8)Friend (Version II) - Version 1 was on the New Changes album, my fourth album released in Paris, France)

 9)I Want Your Son, 

10)Gracie's Revenge, 

11)One Fine Day (Written by Carole King / Gerry Goffin,) 

12)No Regrets Today (the requested and authorized theme song for Boston's 1985 Annual Gay Pride Parade) and 

13)"I Want You Sexually" with Joe Pet of the Joe Perry Project on drums, engineered by Phil Greene of the Warner Brothers group Swallow, produced by Jimmy Miller, producer of the first song - Dear Mr. Fantasy - by Traffic from the Avenger's End Game movie.  This may be the first "reunion," if you will, of Jimmy Miller (Producer Goat's Head Soup, Gimme Shelter, You Can't Always Get What You Want, "Heartbreaker (Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo") and Rob Fraboni (co-producer The Rolling Stones "Bridges to Babylon,"  Producer of Eric Clapton's "Hello Old Friend" engineer on Goat's Head Soup) since they worked on Goat's Head Soup.  

Miller producing "I Want You Sexually" featuring Jo Jo Laine on backing vocals, Fraboni mastering the entire CD.  

The sound is brilliant.



Black Panther Sequel CLOSES BRIDGE IN BOSTON Channel 5 Marvel Takes Over the World


A bridge in Massachusetts was shut down overnight to accommodate a movie crew that was shooting a new film.

The Massachusetts Avenue Bridge was closed to motorists from 9 p.m. Tuesday to 5 a.m. Wednesday.


It's believed the closure was for the filming of the "Black Panther" sequel. The movie has been filming near MIT and in Worcester during the past few weeks.

Bicyclists, pedestrians, emergency vehicles and MBTA vehicles were be able to pass through the area.

Drivers who were traveling through the affected areas were warned of delays.


August 25 2021 Kitoto Sunshine Love, Count Viglione, Slapback and more!

 2:57 AM #WednesdayMotivation 8/25/21 Kitoto Sunshine Love #ProudSoulHeritage hear: https://youtu.be/emjP5mQn-Lw @YouTube #YouTubeCreators Produced By #JoeViglioneMedia Written by Bobby Hebb @SoulHeritage1 @KitotoLove @ringostarrmusic @PaulMcCartney #Beatles @ChachiBeatles @thebeatles 

3:15 am #August 25th #wednesdaythought Thanks #RadioWigWam available on @eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/384261775372 Can't Wait to See You Smile @Spotify here https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SFC23u8qbNm6KajVHL3ot #MusicSupervisors @RollingStones @KBRITZofficial @RobFraboni @RollingStone @AARPMA @AARP @AARPMemBenefits #Folk  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

kenny selcer on The River WXRV Thursday August 26, 2021 Congrats!

 This Week’s Lineup: 8/23/2021

Monday: War On Alexandria | Song: “Reckless”

Tuesday: Mister Vertigo | Song: “Indie Nerd Strikes Again”

Wednesday: Katie Louise | Song: “Save Me” 

Thursday: Kenny Selcer | Song: “I’m Leaving This Town” | Next Gig: Sunday, September 12 at the Boston Arts Festival

Old School Friday: Morphine | Song: “Honey White”


August 21 2021 Bob Nelson and Aaron Borenstein WHAT'S HAPPENING RADIO Playlist WMWM Salem Noon to 3 on Saturday


August 24 2021 Tuesday KIND K Brits on Steve Gannett Show

 7:55 AM #Tuesday Aug 24, 2021 #Kind from @KBRITZofficial @mysticbowie on www.revivalradiostation.com thanks #SteveGarnettNewMusicRadio Opening track on #DemoThatGotTheDealVol5 @spotifypodcasts @ApplePodcasts @RobFraboni SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/track/1uvC0C9Q7fjGJpcJQYFc07

11:48 AM #Tuesday Aug 24, 2021 #AllHandsonDeckBLM on #LonelyOakRadio @Slapbackband on @ReverbNation
https://reverbnation.com/slapbackband by Slapback Band #DemothatgottheDealVol5 Mastered by #RobFraboni #Pop #Rock #PopRock #ProducerJimmyMiller @RollingStones #CharlieWatts
7:18 am #Tuesday Aug 24 2021 #AllHandsonDeckBLM on #LonelyOakRadio @Slapbackband on @ReverbNation
https://reverbnation.com/slapbackband by Slapback Band #DemothatgottheDealVol5 Mastered by #RobFraboni #Pop #Rock #PopRock #ProducerJimmyMiller @RollingStones #CharlieWatts
2:10 AM #tuesdayvibe Aug 24, 2021 #CantWaitToSeeYouSmile #DemoThatGotTheDealVol5 Thanks #RadioWigwam for playing this #Pop song from #CountViglione @Spotify #JoeViglioneMedia here https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SFC23u8qbNm6KajVHL3ot SPOTIFY @YouTubeCreators from Love Songs Just For You CD #AppleTV #Music  
11:56 PM #tuesday Aug 23, 2021 Thanks #LonelyOakRadio #AllHandsonDeckBLM on @Slapbackband on @ReverbNation
https://reverbnation.com/slapbackband by Slapback Band #DemothatgottheDealVol5 #Pop #Rock #PopRock #ProducerJimmyMiller @RollingStones
@RollingStone @spotifypodcasts  

Joe Vig Top 40 Low Sparks Scribblings to be posted on JoeVigtop40.com

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3mucvKIC88 For Immediate Release Honey B Announces Uplifting New Roots Reggae Single "Happy For You...