Thursday, February 4, 2021

Ideas on Maximizing Your Twitter Promotions - an essay from Joe Viglione

Airplay on every station is something to savor and promote.  Don't let it go to waste.


Twitter has daily hashtags that seem to trend. #MondayMotivation #Thuesdayvibes etc. for each day, and multiple ones.

Some Twitter user re-tweets the Motivation ones, so add them to your Tweet, especially when you time stamp your airplay.  This morning at 3 am my track from the Anthology Chapter 21 was aired on Lonely Oak Radio.  


a)Notice how I put some of the record labels that I have been on in the # hashtags.


b)I am tagging my own photos from the years 1, 2, 3, 4...and will be adding them to keep the Tweets fresh and eye-catching.


more to follow...11:00 am 


Example #1  Varulven Records owner 

 3 am Boston time Feb 4, 2021 #WednesdayMotivation Thought About You Track #18 #Bostonrockandrollanthology21 Thank you #LonelyOakRadio #NewRoseRecords @LastCallRecords #LastCallRecords #FlamingoRecords #CarrereRecords #varulvenRecords @WhiteLightArts @BilliePerry #MickTaylor

EXAMPLE #2  Pamela Ruby Russell

Sometimes I streamline the Tweets when having sent out Spotify or YouTube or the artist's own website, but it is KEY to post the time and date of the airplay, that way people see the AMOUNT of airplay and the LONGEVITY on a station

1 am Wednesday Feb 4, 2021 

Walk Thru Fire   Pamela Ruby Russell

Walk Thru Fire Track #15 #BostonRockandRollAnthology21 1 am Feb 4, 2021 #WednesdayMotivation @EricLinter @WhiteLightArts @PRRussellPhotos 

Example #3  Greg Paquette

From the album #SingleStone @ 10:43 am Feb 4, 2021 #ThursdayMotivation #ThursdayThoughts "Into the Sunset" on #GoodMusicRadio hear on #Spotify @Spotify @spotifypodcasts @spotifycharts @DistroKid @DistroKidMoney #LouReed #Velvets

  Note the time and date stamp.  Instead of spelling out the day I use Thursday Motivation or Thursday Thoughts via hashtag, then I post the SPOTIFY and some SPOTIFY Twitter addresses, and the distributor, DistroKid

Example 4  Andrae Carter from Jamaica

2:10 pm 2/4/21 #ThursdayMotivation @AndraeCarter #thursdayvibes @zionrock Andrae's bio @thebash #InThisWorld The song In This World hear it on Spotify @spotifycharts @spotifypodcasts @spotifyartists @spotifyUSA #SpotifyCharts #World

Andrae got play on Good Music Radio and 

Notice how the same links and hashtags were used on the two different radio station Twitter accounts.


It's a Band, Not a Bird...well, it's a bird too!

The song drops from Distrokid to Spotify in 8 more days, we are building the excitement in a low-key way but modeling what Amazon does with Coming 2 America, the film landing March 5. 

10:34 pm Feb 3, 2021 #WednesdayMotivation The Weather by @Gaviiformesband on #ThamesValleyRadio lands in 8 days from Feb 4 on #February #Twelve on @Spotify @DistroKid here: @spotifycharts @spotifypodcasts #PopMusic #pop #Rockandroll



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